AI: Roller coaster for security defence

Our world is being transformed in astounding ways by artificial intelligence (AI), from bettering medical findings to enabling self-driving vehicles. However, AI has a dark aspect that presents a serious danger to cybersecurity, just like any new technology. It’s becoming more challenging for defenders to fight against these threats as cybercriminals use AI to initiate more complex assaults. We’ll look at how cybercriminals are utilizing AI to carry out attacks, why they are so successful in this blog article.

AI can be used by cybercriminals in several ways to carry out more sophisticated attacks. Here are some examples:

Automated phishing: AI can be used to create phishing emails that are difficult for receivers to differentiate from genuine emails and are very persuasive. AI can build highly personalized phishing emails that are more likely to fool receivers into clicking on harmful links or attachments by studying social media posts, emails, and other publicly accessible data.

 Malware attacks: AI can be used to create malware that is more difficult to identify and more effective in avoiding conventional defense tools. AI can design malware that is specially crafted to escape discovery and compromise targeted systems by studying trends in data breaches and malware assaults.

Advanced persistent threats (APTs): APTs, which are persistent, highly tailored assaults against particular companies or people, can be launched using AI. Cybercriminals can find weaknesses and create highly customized attack plans that can go unnoticed for a long time by using AI to evaluate data about the target organization.

Deepfakes: Deepfakes are videos or audio recordings that have been edited to make people appear to say or do things they have not. AI can be used to produce believable deepfakes. Deepfakes are a tool used by cybercriminals to disseminate false information or coerce people into disclosing private information.

Password cracking: AI can decrypt passwords faster and more precisely than conventional techniques. AI can recognize trends and create probable password combinations by analyzing data on password patterns and using machine learning algorithms, making it simpler for cybercriminals to obtain unauthorized access to private information.

In conclusion, cybercriminals can use AI to automate and tailor their assault techniques for more advanced attacks. By adopting strong cybersecurity protections that use AI and other cutting-edge technologies, organizations must keep up with these changing threats.

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