Cyber Security Threat Hunting Case Study - GAIN VISIBILITY ON HACKERS


In today’s digital domain, a chain of schools faced an escalating security threat with hackers attempting to breach their websites and online platforms. The challenge lay in gaining visibility on these hackers to understand their tactics, techniques, and motives. By identifying and analyzing potential vulnerabilities; as well as actively monitoring network traffic and system logs, the schools aimed to detect and mitigate cyber threats more effectively. Appzlogic’s expertise in threat hunting played a pivotal role in providing the schools with the necessary visibility to proactively defend against hackers and safeguard their digital assets.


 The chain of schools consisting of multiple websites and online platforms; faced increasing cybersecurity threats and unauthorized access attempts. The school administration realized the need to enhance their cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive student data and maintain a secure online learning environment. They partnered with Appzlogic to conduct a comprehensive threat hunting exercise.

What do they want?

The primary objective of the engagement was to gain visibility into potential cyber threats targeting the chain of schools’ websites and online platforms. Appzlogic aimed to identify vulnerabilities, detect ongoing attacks and develop a proactive defense strategy to safeguard the schools’ digital assets.


Step 1 Assessment: Appzlogic team conducted a thorough assessment of the client’s existing cybersecurity infrastructure that includes network architecture, web applications and data storage systems.

Step 2  Threat Intelligence Gathering: Appzlogic leveraged advanced threat intelligence tools and techniques to collect relevant information about emerging threats, hacker groups and attack vectors targeting educational institutions.

Step 3  Log Analysis and Correlation: Our team performed an in-depth analysis of system logs, network traffic and user behavior to identify anomalous activities, suspicious patterns, and potential indicators of compromise.

Step 4  Malware Detection: We scanned all the websites and platforms for known malware signatures utilizing advanced malware detection mechanisms and performed behavioral analysis to detect any malicious activities.

Step 5  Vulnerability Assessment: Our team conducted comprehensive vulnerability assessments like penetration testing to identify weaknesses in the schools’ online infrastructure and applications that could be exploited by potential attackers.

Step 6  Real-Time Monitoring: Appzlogic implemented robust security monitoring solutions to continuously monitor network traffic, system logs and user activity; ensuring rapid detection and response to any suspicious incidents.


Team Appzlogic’s threat hunting exercise yielding significant results:

Enhanced Visibility: By analyzing system logs and monitoring network traffic; Appzlogic gained improved visibility into potential cyber threats, identifying previously undetected vulnerabilities and ongoing attacks.

Attack Mitigation: Appzlogic promptly identified and mitigated various cyber threats like DDoS attacks, phishing attempts and unauthorized access attempts minimizing the impact on the schools’ websites and data. 

Proactive Defense Strategy: Based on the findings from the threat hunting exercise, our team provided the client with a comprehensive cybersecurity roadmap; outlining proactive defense measures and recommended improvements to their security infrastructure.

Incident Response Readiness: Appzlogic assisted the schools in developing an incident response plan including defined procedures, roles, and responsibilities to ensure efficient and effective response in the event of a cyber incident.


Through our cyber security threat hunting exercise; the chain of schools gained crucial visibility into potential threats targeting their websites and online platforms. By proactively detecting and mitigating attacks; the schools were able to maintain a secure digital environment for their students; protect sensitive data and reinforce their reputation as institutions committed to cybersecurity. Appzlogic’s expertise and comprehensive approach helped the schools develop a robust defense strategy to address current and future cybersecurity challenges effectively.

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